
【英文篇名】 "Water Crisis" and the Choice of Its Governance Strategy——Take Wuxi as An Example
【作者中文名】 黄胜平; 姜念涛;
【作者英文名】 HUANG Sheng-ping JIANG Nian-tao (The Academy of Research and Development of Wuxi National High-tech Industrial; Wuxi 214028; China);
【作者单位】 无锡国家高新区发展研究院; 无锡国家高新区发展研究院 江苏 无锡; 江苏 无锡;
【文献出处】 江南大学学报(人文社会科学版), Journal of Jiangnan University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition), 编辑部邮箱 2007年 06期 
期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊  CJFD收录刊
【关键词】 水危机; 治理; 节水减污;
【英文关键词】 Water crisis; Governance; Saving water and reducing pollution;
【摘要】 水危机成为制约我国经济社会发展的瓶颈。文章以无锡为例,指出无锡通过节约用水、减少污染物排放、发展水处理设备等措施,在治理水环境上取得了一定的成效。文章同时介绍了国内外节水减污的成功做法以资借鉴。
【英文摘要】 Water crisis has been the critical point in limiting China's economical and social development.This article take Wuxi as an example,pointing out Wuxi's achievements in managing water environment through measures of saving water,reducing emission of pollutants and developing water-controlling equipment.Meanwhile the article gives the introduction of successful deeds of saving water and reducing pollution both in and out of the country,enabling us to learn and use.
【DOI】 CNKI:SUN:WXQS.0.2007-06-015


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作者:黄胜平 姜念涛/发布日期:2008-7-6 8:29:00
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